Chronic Disorganization is having a past history of disorganization in which self-help efforts to change have failed, an undermining of current quality of life due to disorganization, and the expectation of future disorganization.
Ann can help put systems in place that are catered to your learning and lifestyle that can help you get and stay organized
Are You Chronically Disorganized?
Following is a questionnaire from the Institute for Challenging Disorganization to determine if you might be Chronically Disorganized.
1. Has disorganization been a factor in your life for many years?
2. Does your level of disorganization interfere with the quality of your daily life or negatively affect your relations with others?
3. Has disorganization persisted despite self-help attempts to get organized?
4. Do you own at least one organizing book?
5. Are you an “info maniac” (saving many articles, newspapers or books you’ve read)?
6. Do you suffer from “fear of filing”?
7. Do you feel every paper must be kept in sight or you’ll never find it again?
8. Do you lose or misplace papers and items despite keeping them out?
9. Does your filing system cause difficulty in retrieval?
10. Does it take you more than 3 minutes to find most papers in your office?
11. Do you like to collect things?
12. Are you a shopaholic?
13. Do you accumulate possessions beyond apparent usefulness or pleasure?
14. Does your disorganization cause you embarrassment or humiliation?
15. Are your desk, floor and/or countertops covered in papers?
16. Did you feel deprived as a child, either emotionally or materially?
17. Is it difficult for you to part with things even though they have outlived their usefulness?
18. Do you consider yourself a packrat?
19. Do you have a wide range of interests and several uncompleted tasks and projects?
20. Do you find it difficult to stay focused or are you easily distracted?
21. Do you tend to lose track of time?